Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Faith Formation

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Family Faith Formation

Family Faith Formation is designed to support you, the parents, in your God-given role as the primary educator of your children.  This is your right and privilege: 

The mission of Family Faith Formation at Holy Trinity Catholic Church is to model our families after the Holy Family, thus creating a Christ-centered home. We honor the parents’ God-given role of raising their children in the Faith and empower them to fulfill this holy privilege and responsibility so that one day we may all partake in the Beatific Vision of the Blessed Trinity.


“The ministry of evangelization carried out by Christian parents is original and irreplaceable… The future of humanity passes by way of the family.”

–Saint John Paul II

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Holy Trinity Youth Ministries (HTYM) provides a variety of opportunities for middle and high school aged young people to better know, trust, love, and serve our Lord, through regular encounter with Jesus Christ in one another, their parish community, their Church, a vibrant prayer life, those they are called to serve, and particularly the Eucharist.

Instagram: @htymVA
Instagram: @stgiannas.htymVA
Instagram: @stjosephs.htymVA
YouTube: HTYM TV
Facebook: @htymVA

The Holy Trinity Young Adults (HTYA) have several ministries centered on serving the spiritual, social, and formation needs of young adults, providing opportunities for building community through fellowship, prayer, service, and Christ-centered conversation.

For more information, please contact Paul C. Bevins, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries
703-753-6700 x117

Apostolates and Groups

There are numerous apostolates, ministries, committees, and social and support groups at Holy Trinity apart from our faith formation apostolates and liturgical ministries. Please see below for a listing of just some of these.

For particular questions, please contact Christian Kleb in the office on our contacts page and he will forward your message to the coordinator for the group or get you in contact with them.

Apostolate promoting devotion to Our Lord through His Blessed Mother. Sign up to have the Pilgrim Virgin Mary statue visit your house for a week.

American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.

Twice monthly Bible studies on Saturday evenings are just one of the regular Sacred Scripture study groups at Holy Trinity.

Supports funeral liturgies and receptions for the parish.

Men’s Saturday morning group, meets weekly at 7:00 a.m. at Wegmans.

Parish homeschool group and co-op. Click here for more info.

Click here for more on Holy Trinity’s Knights of Columbus Council.

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. Within the Legion of Mary there are more than three million Active Members and many more Auxiliary Members.

Click here for more on the several Holy Trinity Legion of Mary Praesidia.

Organizes monthly date nights in Our Lady’s Hall and supports the parish’s Witness to Love marriage prep apostolate. Organizes the Marriage Prep Retreats twice a year for the couples preparing for marriage at Holy Trinity.

Natural Family Planning classes at Tepeyac OB/GYN Family Center.

Coordinates the Life Chain, 40 Days for Life, March for Life, Lenten Baby Bottle Campaign.

For high schoolers, the St. Gianna’s Life Defenders also participate in all of this, and meet monthly.

The parish’s outreach program for the poor and needy within our parish boundaries.

Resources for Growing Your Faith

Safety and Protection of Children Policy and Training

The word VIRTUS derives from Latin and means valor, moral strength, excellence, and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of life and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest most positive attributes of human interaction.

With this in mind a program was introduced for adults to support the best manner of behavior for the Safety and Protection of Children by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington’s Office for the Protection of Children and Young People (OPCYP). The policies of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and we at Holy Trinity parish are committed to and have provided a Child and Safety and Protection program which include VIRTUS training and background authorization checks on all clergy, employees, and volunteers who have substantial contact with children in our parish.

We believe when you entrust Holy Trinity Catholic church with the well being of your children we strive to provide a caring, educating, and safe environment for those we are committed to serve and protect – our children.

Individuals who desire to volunteer with young people, and have not yet completed the background check and VIRTUS training process, are welcomed to request a complete background packet at the parish offices.

Visit VIRTUS Online for training session information and registration (see your Virtus background packet for instructions).

You can also find more information and resources at the diocesan site, here:

For more information on becoming OPCYP compliant for Holy Trinity – both background-checked and completing the VIRTUS course – please contact Annette by calling 703-753-6700, or by completing the form.

Contact OPCYP Coordinator

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Contact Youth & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator

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Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Anticipatory Masses (Vigil) August 14

5pm; 7pm (Both English)

Thursday, August 15:

6am; 9am; 12pm; 5pm

For other Mass schedules please call the office