Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Our Clergy

Rev. James S. Barkett


Rev. Stefan Starzynski

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Vincent Bork

Parochial Vicar

Deacon Linus Barloon II

Permanent Deacon

Deacon Gerard Anthony

Permanent Deacon

In Case of Sacramental Emergency

For anointing of the sick and dying, or for other Sacramental emergencies, please call: 703-753-6700, then press 1

Contact Our Staff

Christian Kleb
General Inquiries, Parish Email, Website, Bulletin & Registrations

Patti Eckels

Receptionist & Baptismal Coordinator

703-753-6700 ext. 120

Margi Loesel
Director of Religious Education

703-753-6700 ext. 116

Nick Passero
Director of Adult Faith Formation

703-753-6700 ext. 112

Trevor Rowland
Director of Liturgical Music (and Funerals)

703-753-6700 ext. 109

Paul Sledz
Business Manager

703-753-6700 ext. 113

Paulina Albizures

Administrative Assistant
RCIA, Marriage Preparation & Weddings

703-753-6700 ext. 121

Lourdes Highfill
Religious Education Assistant

703-753-6700 ext. 115

Paul C. Bevins
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries

703-753-6700 ext. 117

Contact Us

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Office Hours

Holy Trinity’s Parish Office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm.


We are located at: 
8213 Linton Hall Road
Gainesville, VA 20155

Spiritual Treasures Gift Shop

The gift shop provides religious articles, books and materials for purchase. The gift shop accommodates most special orders.

If you would like to volunteer with the Gift Shop Ministry (either during open hours or behind-the- scenes work), please contact the Gift Shop Coordinator

Contact Information

Gift Shop Coordinator: Dawn Filipowicz
Gift Shop Phone Number: 703-753- 6700 Ext. 139

Email the Gift Shop by completing this form:

Gift Shop Hours of Operation

Note 1: All openings are dependent upon volunteers signing up for the shifts.
Note 2: Each opening after Masses end is for approximately 30-45 minutes.

After the 9:00 am and 12:00 pm/Noon Masses.

Prior to and during Confessions, 5:30-7:00 pm.

After the 9:00 am and 12:00 pm/Noon Masses.

After the 5:00 pm and 7:30 pm Masses.

After all Masses the 6:30 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm & 5:00 pm Masses.

We will attempt to accommodate requests for “shopping by appointment” at times other than the regularly scheduled shifts – to schedule an appointment, please contact the shop coordinator by using the form.

Contact Gift Shop Coordinator

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Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

Tuesday December 31st & Wednesday January 1st

12/31 Vigil Masses: 5PM

11PM Holy Hour followed by Midnight Mass

12/25 6:30AM, 8AM, 9:30AM, & 11AM

For other Mass schedules please call the office