Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Legion of Mary

Holy Trinity’s several Legion of Mary praesidia welcome you to our page!

Please take a moment to read below to learn more about who we are and what we do — we would love to have you consider joining us!

What is the Legion of Mary?

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church. By trusting in the Holy Spirit and through Mary’s power of evangelization, this form of apostolate has spread throughout the world and is found in about 170 countries.

The Legion was founded by Frank Duff in Dublin, Ireland on September 7, 1921. It has been active in the United States since 1931 and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members by prayer and active apostolic work in union with Mary.

Within the Legion of Mary there are more than three million Active Members and many more Auxiliary Members.

We have many opportunities for adults and youth, English- and Spanish-speaking! Here are our Praesidia:

Adult Groups
Sundays, 9:15am in Room 107
Mondays, 10:00am at Holy Trinity in Room 201
Tuesdays, 10:00am at Holy Trinity in Room 107
Tuesdays, 7:00pm in the Sitting Room
Wednesdays at 1:00pm in Room 201
Thursdays, 10:00am in Room 107

Groups For Ages 8 – 17
Mondays at 1:00 rooms 107/108
Fridays at 4:45pm in Room 201
Wednesdays at 3:45pm at House of Mercy (High school)

Spanish Speaking Groups
Junior Group: Fridays at 6:30pm
Wednesdays, 7:00pm in Room 104

Active Members are those who become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a program of prayer and works. The Active Members meet once a week for prayer, planning, and discussion. They also do two hours of a definite Active Work each week, in pairs, under the guidance of their spiritual director, and the spiritual director is named by the Pastor.

Holy Trinity’s Legion of Mary Praesidia’s Active Works include:

  • Parishioner visitations
  • Visitation/praying the rosary at nursing homes
  • Faith formation instruction
  • Pilgrim Virgin Statue Home Visitation
  • Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the home
  • Enthronement of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the home
  • Funeral ministry, and visits to bereaved parishioners
  • Providing a Legion table with Catholic literature and sacramentals
  • Door-to-door evangelization
  • Meeting other spiritual needs of the parish under the direction of the Pastor

Auxiliary Members are the praying wing of the Legion of Mary. They are committed to praying every day the prayers contained in the leaflet called the Tessera, which include the invocation and prayer to the Holy Spirit, five decades of the Rosary with the invocations which follow them, the Catena (the Magnificat), and the prayers described as ‘Concluding Prayers’.

It is strongly recommended that these prayers and every other legionary service be offered to Our Lady as an unreserved gift to be administered according to her intentions. Auxiliary Members do not attend a weekly meeting or perform works of service, and there are no age limits with regard to auxiliary membership.

The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics in good standing with a desire to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of his Blessed Mother Mary.

Catholics 18 years of age or older can become Active Members of an adult praesidium (basic unit of the Legion), whereas Catholics younger than 18 years of age can join a junior Legion of Mary praesidium.

Catholics who are interested in joining the Legion will start with a three-to-six-month probationary period before taking their Legionary Promise to become Active Legion Members.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Janet: 240-776-5667

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Anticipatory Masses (Vigil) August 14

5pm; 7pm (Both English)

Thursday, August 15:

6am; 9am; 12pm; 5pm

For other Mass schedules please call the office