On behalf of all the priests we hope that everyone is having a holy and joyful Christmas! Recall, Christmas is not just the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ for one day. It is eight day celebration of Jesus’ Birth and the God-man’s presence in the world!
What is God’s definition of a successful family? It would be the family of which the Son of God was a part, The Holy Family. The key to a successful family is holiness – godliness. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph was poor and unnoticed by the ‘powerful’ of their time. Yet, they were the most influential family in all of history! Why? The Holy Family was rooted in God and doing His Will.
How important are truly successful – holy – families to the world? The Son of God chose to be a part of a family. God’s example always teaches us what is best. He chose to have a mother and father on earth. He did not come as an individual, but as a part of a community of persons –similar to the Community of Persons in the Blessed Trinity. The family is the MOST important entity to society according to the example of Jesus Christ! Future husbands/fathers and wives/mothers are raised in a family. Future consecrated men and women learn to give of themselves first in the family before they give themselves to God. Single men and women learn to give of themselves selflessly first in the family. Does Our Lord provide when tragic events separate families? Yes. However, the family is the root for love and society.
On today’s Feast of the Holy Family it is good for us to ponder the home, the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We see the focus on Jesus, God. We see sacrificial love between Mary and Joseph. We see respect and obedience in the Christ Child. We see a family that lived and interacted much each day – the holy house of Nazareth is only ONE ROOM. We see joy and humility. There is so much for us to ponder and learn from Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
May our families resemble the Holy Family. May they truly be holy families that we may truly be successful!
God bless