Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Annette’s Farewell

Flowers 1

If you have called the Holy Trinity office in the last nineteen years you probably have heard the calm, patient, helpful voice of Mrs. Annette Wilowatyj.  Annette will be ‘mostly’ retiring from her position at Holy Trinity on July 31st.

If you know anything about the working of Catholic parishes, you know the glue that keeps parishes going are the secretaries.  In addition to her exemplary work ethic, Mrs. Wilowatyj seems to know about everyone.  Annette has been a tremendous part of our parish.  She is one of a few who has the memory of the entire twenty years of the parish’s existence.

The secretary is also the ‘voice’ of the parish as she is often the first person at Holy Trinity with whom people interact.  Annette, as some of you may know, has spent much time with people on the phone.  Her patience and sensitivity are very real.  There have been times that she has had to remind me to consider what others are enduring.  And, when I have needed it, a foam grenade might even fly my direction – all out of love, of course! (Mind you, she grew up with a few brothers so her aim is pretty good!)

Did I mention patience with priests?!  Ah yes, Annette has interacted with a good many of my brothers.  Each of us has a different personality.  Each of us has our quirks and imperfections, beginning with the pastor.  She has been a joyful, devoted woman of God throughout.

Please consider offering a prayer of gratitude for Annette and her family.  It has been a blessing to have her at Holy Trinity.

God bless


Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Anticipatory Masses (Vigil) August 14

5pm; 7pm (Both English)

Thursday, August 15:

6am; 9am; 12pm; 5pm

For other Mass schedules please call the office